Cleanroom Concept & Planning

The first step to implementing a high-performing cleanroom environment is Concept and Planning. Our design team collaborates with our clients to identify all specific and unique projects requirements. We will conduct engineering site visits to identify requirements, identify contamination issues, and review site locations for space utilization. We then provide detailed estimates for your project by identifying business imperatives and objectives; regulatory, compliance, and classification requirements; and general environmental specifications.

Cleanroom planning budgeting

Cleanroom planning budgeting

Specifically, Precision Environments will perform the following activities during the concept and planning phase:

  • Identify business imperatives, processes, desired goals, and requirements
  • Analyze cleanroom layout to determine personnel processes and product flow
  • Scope cleanroom cleanliness classification
  • Identify cleanroom pressurization requirements
  • Determine cleanroom environmental airflow supply
  • Perform cleanroom exfiltration flow assessment
  • Verify space air balance
  • Assess all variables and use cases
  • Plan mechanical system layout including calculating heating and cooling requirements
  • Guarantee spatial requirements
  • Plan cleanroom controls and monitoring

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